Treatment Overview

Following an initial comprehensive psychological evaluation, I will work with you to design a treatment plan specific to your goals. In my experience, I have found that psychotherapy and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy when combined with, or independent of, biofeedback, audio-visual entrainment, and stress management are very effective in achieving mental, emotional, and physical balance. After your comprehensive evaluation, a treatment plan will be selected and discussed with you.

There are many different types of therapy. While each may vary in its approach, all have the common goal to lessen mental and emotional distress. Typically, these therapies focus on either the mind or the body. As I understand that one size does not fit all, my approach is distinguishable from that of other therapists by treating the whole person with a comprehensive, holistic mind/body integrative treatment approach.

The following is a partial selection and a brief description of the treatments I offer:


Psychotherapy is among the types of treatment recommended for depression, anxiety, insomnia, and life conflicts. Called "therapy" for short, the word psychotherapy involves a variety of treatment techniques. During psychotherapy, a person talks to a licensed and trained mental health care professional who helps them identify and work through the issues that may be causing them mental and emotional distress.


Neurofeedback training is becoming increasingly popular due to its powerful, non-medication approach that effectively reduces the symptoms of ADHD, depression, anxiety, and many other conditions. Neurofeedback has its basis in applied neuroscience and data-based clinical practice and meets the American Psychological Association's definition of an evidence-based intervention. Neurofeedback addresses problems due to brain dysregulation that can be associated with anxiety, depression, attention deficit, behavioral disorders, various sleep disorders, headaches, and emotional disturbances.


Many clinical conditions can be treated with Biofeedback because, interestingly, many problems brought to physicians tend to be stress-related. Biofeedback is an approach that enables you to "feed" information back to your mind about the numerous minute changes your body goes through every instant. Biofeedback training can help you to control your body and to control many physical, mental, and behavioral symptoms.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy assists in identifying and changing unproductive thought patterns by having you observe your thoughts and feelings. You will become better able to separate realistic from unrealistic and distorted thoughts. Thinking drives our emotions, beliefs, and behaviors. Faulty thoughts lead to faulty and distressing feelings and behaviors. With cognitive behavioral training, you will be better able to lessen anxiety, depression, worry, rumination, and racing thoughts.

Heart Brain/Body Coherence Training

Research provides support for the role that physiological mechanisms play in regulating the mind, body, and emotions. This regulation influences our state of mental, emotional, and physical wellness. Research consistently illustrates that heart rate variability measures a person's ability to adapt to life challenges. This is the most dynamic reflection of our inner states of wellness. Several techniques help to balance emotions and the mind; by using these techniques, a person can observe the changes in heart rhythm that provide a picture of the balance of one's nervous system.

Neurofeedback Treatment for Children

For parents who prefer other options aside from medication, Neurofeedback is a non-invasive, safe, effective, and long-lasting treatment option. Through regular practice, the child’s brain moves from dysregulation to regulation with improved impulse regulation, focus, and attention. The child’s brain builds memory traces of normalized brain waves specific to regulating brain activity and its associated behaviors. The newly established memory traces produce lasting results that continue outside of the sessions.